Monday, 23 November 2009

Three Dee.

Perhaps I need to rethink what format I should be working in. It seems more and more films are being made into 3D. A huge majority of animated films made now are available to watch in this format and in most cases at a largely increased price. I've recently learnt that SKY are soon releasing their first entirely 3D channel next year. Many companies are also developing the first 3D ready televisions. With more and more 3D programs being broadcast, Is it just a passing fad? Or could it be the only way we view all films and television in the future. Isn't cinema exciting enough without it intruding in our face space? Ok fair enough the glasses obviously look rad as hell but I don't really like the thought of having to bring viewing apparatus with me just to watch a film. With so much time spent on cinematography and defining the mood and look of a film, it seems like 3D takes away a lot of that character and authenticity that directors try so hard to achieve. I am yet to see a film which utilizes the technology in anything more than a novelty way. There are some interesting 3D projects currently being made so it will be interesting to see what directors are going to produce as 3D becomes more of a household, everyday commodity. Perhaps working with film and video, as I'm doing now, is a waste of time and I should start thinking about how films will be shown in 10 years from now. But could it ever be a replacement? I'm not sure films like "Amelie" or "The Shawshank Redemption" would have had, anywhere near, the same visual impact, were they shot in 3D. It seems in many of the modern 3D feature's made, the technology often distracts the viewer from visual tone or style. For this reason it is difficult for these films to achieve any sort of integrity in the way there shot.
Numerous defining directors from Hitchcock to Andy Warhol have all used 3D in their films, in the past. So there is nothing to say that integrity and unique style cant be achieved. But perhaps modern day filmmakers of this standard should be the ones experimenting with the format today, If any exist? For me 3D is a brilliant novelty on a disney theme ride. But i think i prefer my films flat. Life is 3D enough.

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