Saturday, 28 November 2009


If I can give one piece of information about Lars Von Triers latest film "Antichrist" it's DONT WATCH IT. Ok watch, it but i haven't really felt right since. As a fan of Triers previous films i expected the usual abstract, nonsensical plot and a mix of vivid and indecipherable imagery, as expected from him. It's filled with lush and crisp cinematography. His scenes sometimes look like immaculately lit, perfectly shot photographs. The opening and closing scenes particularly are as close to aesthetically perfect as can be. Where Trier Loses me is the films pornographic approach to violence and sex. I'm personally am able to sit though some pretty gory images but Triers work borders on bad taste. The film is innocent enough for the first hour but once it begins to move it is in parts unsettling and in others unwatchable. I wont go into details but watch it for your self, as long as you know you wont be eating meals, having sex or having any sort of contact with animals for the few weeks prior.
Above all the violence of it, for me, took to much precedence over the films images and ideas, which are both amazing. When it finishes all the viewer is thinking about are it's scenes of sexual torture, Which is what the public and media have focused on first when commenting on this film. As it's so rare for Trier to make an English speaking film. Let alone one that plays in British Cinemas you'd think he'd use the opportunity to let a wider audience see why he is admired and respected by so many of his peers. But instead he creates something which somehow manages to be pretentious and degrading at the same time.

It's probably the most well shot porn/snuff movie. you'll ever see.

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